Poetry Friday: Why Memorize Poetry? (+ 4 Tips for Effective Memorization)

Memorization gets a bad rap these days. When criticizing a class, students often say something like, “It’s just a lot of memorization!”  We equate memorization with busy work, something tedious that has no purpose. But many of the longest and greatest works of literature—such as Beowulf and the Iliad—existed entirely in memorized form before they were written down. Is there still a point to memorizing poetry even after the invention of writing?

I’d argue yes. I love memorizing poetry, even though it can be hard. Here are a few reasons why I think it’s worth it to commit poems to memory.

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4 Must-read Articles for the Philosophical Patriot

Happy Independence Day to all my American friends! I hope you’re having a great day full of grilling, fireworks, and American pride.

Last year, I wrote and defended my senior thesis, which explored the question of how to juggle loyalties to one’s state, country, home, and religion. Despite not being much of the poli-sci type, I enjoyed this topic because it’s something I’ve struggled with in my own life. As a second-generation Hispanic-American and dual citizen, I’d never thought much about the United States as part of my identity. Read More »